Simple Ray Tracing

by Zyrn


pythoncomputer graphicsalgorithms

Just a quick note beforehand, I didn’t write up this post when I was working on this, so I have actually back dated this post to when I was working on it.

So another month has gone by and you must be wondering what have I been doing in all that time?


What does that look like?
It looks like this.

Now hopefully, after looking at that you think that it is as awesome as I thought it was seeing it the first time. Luckily, this was one of my projects I was able to work with a friend on. Together we worked through an amazing free book by Peter Shirley called ‘Ray Tracing in One Weekend’. Following this tutorial we got a very simple tracing simulation going in Python in just one weekend as advertised. Once we completed this I did a bunch of renders of various scenes, so here are some final pictures and pictures from development.

The main issue with this version of our ray tracing is it was very slow so I have just started to work on an implementation for the browser using WebGL to get utilize GPU compute for this expensive workload.
(Reminder you can open the images to get a full size render)

Once again stay tuned for next month’s update!

made with by zyrn